Which smartwatch has ECG approved by FDA?

Which smartwatch has ECG approved by FDA?

In recent years, smartwatches have gained significant popularity for their ability to track various health metrics. One such feature that users look for in a smartwatch is the ability to perform an electrocardiogram (ECG). The ECG feature allows users to monitor their heart’s electrical activity, providing valuable insights into their overall health. However, it is crucial to choose a smartwatch that has ECG approval from relevant authorities, such as the FDA. In this article, we will discuss which smartwatches have ECG approval by the FDA.

Apple Watch Series 6

The Apple Watch Series 6 is one of the most popular smartwatches on the market and has received FDA approval for its ECG feature. This smartwatch utilizes built-in electrodes and an optical heart rate sensor to generate a single-lead ECG similar to a standard electrocardiogram. Users can access the ECG app on their Apple Watch Series 6 to record their heart rhythm and receive detailed reports.

It’s important to note that the ECG feature on the Apple Watch Series 6 is not intended for diagnostic purposes and should not replace professional medical advice. However, it can serve as an early warning system for potential heart-related issues.

Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2

The Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 is another popular smartwatch that has obtained FDA clearance for its ECG feature. This smartwatch uses both electrical and optical sensors to monitor heart rate and perform an ECG. Users can access the ECG app on their Galaxy Watch Active2 to record an ECG and receive insights about their heart rhythm.

Similar to the Apple Watch Series 6, the ECG feature on the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 is not a replacement for professional medical advice. It is designed to provide users with a snapshot of their heart’s electrical activity and alert them to any irregularities that may warrant further investigation.

Which smartwatch has ECG approved by FDA?

Other Smartwatches with ECG Features

While the Apple Watch Series 6 and Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 are the most well-known smartwatches with FDA-approved ECG features, there are other options available in the market. Some of these include:

  • Fitbit Sense: Fitbit Sense is a versatile smartwatch that offers an ECG app approved by the FDA. Users can track their heart rhythm and share data with healthcare professionals for a more comprehensive analysis.
  • Withings ScanWatch: Withings ScanWatch is a hybrid smartwatch that combines classic watch design with ECG functionality. It can detect atrial fibrillation and provide users with detailed reports.
  • Garmin Venu 2: Garmin Venu 2 is a GPS smartwatch that also features an ECG app cleared by the FDA. It allows users to record their ECG and analyze their heart rhythm using advanced algorithms.

Choosing a smartwatch with an FDA-approved ECG feature can provide users with valuable insights into their heart’s electrical activity. The Apple Watch Series 6 and Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 are two popular options that offer this capability. However, other smartwatches like the Fitbit Sense, Withings ScanWatch, and Garmin Venu 2 also provide FDA-approved ECG functionality. When considering a smartwatch, it’s important to prioritize reliable ECG features and consult with healthcare professionals for any concerns.

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